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I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you.

I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you.

I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you.
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第2張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第3張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第4張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第5張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第6張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第7張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第8張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第9張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第10張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第11張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第12張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第13張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第14張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第15張
I may be born weak and have nothing special to like except you. 第16張
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